“Baú, a clown from Bahia, Brazil and the use of Vulnerability as a Creative Tool in Devised Theatre and Clowning” por Pedro Lopes
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2019
“Scene Changes: Performaing, Teaching and Working Through the Transitions”
Orlando, FL (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Cultura do DF e Decanato de Graduação, UnB
“Scene Changes: Performaing, Teaching and Working Through the Transitions”
Orlando, FL (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Cultura do DF e Decanato de Graduação, UnB

“Guidelines for an artistic, Ppedagogical and political storytelling practice and ‘The Fisherman, the Ring and the King’, a Brazilian traditional folktale” por Jorge Marinho
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2019
“Scene Changes: Performaing, Teaching and Working Through the Transitions”
Orlando, FL (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Cultura do DF e Decanato de Graduação, UnB
“Scene Changes: Performaing, Teaching and Working Through the Transitions”
Orlando, FL (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Cultura do DF e Decanato de Graduação, UnB
“Liquid characters, Multiplicity and Fragmentation Gone Intercultural: On Coletiva Teatro’s Performance Practice as Research” por Nitza Tenenblat
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2018
“Theatres of Revolution: Performance, Pedagogy, and Protest”
Boston, MA (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do DF
“Theatres of Revolution: Performance, Pedagogy, and Protest”
Boston, MA (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do DF

“Transitar como poética dramatúrgica do ator em Entrepartidas: exercícios de treinamento de ator do CRICOCEN no contexto intercultural” por Nei Cirqueira
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2018
“Theatres of Revolution: Performance, Pedagogy, and Protest”
Boston, MA (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do DF
“Theatres of Revolution: Performance, Pedagogy, and Protest”
Boston, MA (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do DF

“Anthropophagic Practices in Devised Theatre: a Demonstration” por Coletiva Teatro
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2016
“Bodies at Work: Performance, Labor, and ATHE @ 30”
Chicago, IL (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do DF e Fundo de Apoio à Cultura do DF
“Bodies at Work: Performance, Labor, and ATHE @ 30”
Chicago, IL (EUA)
Apoio: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do DF e Fundo de Apoio à Cultura do DF

“(Re)creating Memory & Dream for the City of Brasília in ‘Paralelo 15’” por Nitza Tenenblat
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2015
“Je me souviens – I Remember”
Montreal, Canadá
“Je me souviens – I Remember”
Montreal, Canadá